She is a good swimmer and, when given the chance, will paddle long distances into the deep to retrieve a ball or stick. She emerges from the lake, shares a big shake, and begs to ‘go again’!
When the family dog is outside ‘in the elements’ during the
day and shares your furniture in the evening (and even snuggles in your bed
when the lights go out, as Dora does) you know when it is time to bathe your
faithful companion. But, when it comes to bath time with Dora, I have to be
well prepared and move through the ‘event’ in full control.
When I leash this very busy lab to
the gate, she knows I am taking charge -- her happy tail drops and her ears slide into
her head. Removing the shades of dirt and filth and conditioning her coat and
skin is our task at hand. With water and shampoo in my hands, she submits to
her bath.
After three generations of large dog breeds in my household,
I have collected and used many different dog shampoo products. Some have been
watery and difficult to lather. Others
have been all lather and difficult to rinse clean. Some have left an offensive
perfume aroma that turned to wet dog stink within hours. Some have left a waxy
residue on the dog and then we had itching and hot spots.
Dora is the lucky one – our search for the best shampoo for dogs is over! We have found the best shampoo for dogs. The natural, plant-based
ingredients clean without harsh chemicals and the botanicals are moisture
activated to neutralize odors and leave a pleasant scent that welcomes hugs and
I trust this shampoo because Dr. Jane Bicks is a veterinarian and the
formulator of Life’s Abundance Revitalizing Shampoo. Her holistic product development is always
about the ‘whole health’ of the canine. This best dog shampoo even contains rosemary,
which has been proven to increase blood flow under the skin to restore the
natural PH balance of the dog's coat..
As for Dora and I – well, we have a shampoo that goes on
evenly, lathers lightly and moves evenly into all her curves and folds, rinses
clean, and has a pleasant scent. She is not dry or itchy, gets lots of hugs and
kisses, and can still sleep in the bed at night. My nose and touch will tell me
when it is time for the next bath, but there are plenty of days of ball
catching and bug chasing between now and then.
I only need to use ¼ cup of Revitalizing Shampoo each time I bathe her large lab body – six baths in a
bottle. We can’t keep that value a secret – comes out to less than $2.00 for
truly great results.
So, go on, Dora, go be a dog -- roll, dig, run and romp, swim and
chase -- until the next time we stage your bath with the best shampoo ever! You
should know that I do it because I love you.
Buy Life's Abundance Dog Shampoo Click Here
Buy Life's Abundance Dog Shampoo Click Here